Link Keeper [15]

With Link Keeper, you can easily:

  • Create a database of frequently used links you can use to populate your blog posts on the fly.
  • Create short links for use in social media and images–perfect for sales pages and affiliate promotions.
  • Specify the anchor text for each link, so you never have to wonder what to say–just click to add your link and your preferred anchor text appears as if by magic!
  • Create endless calls to action for your VA–make it easy for her to monetize your posts.
  • Track your stats–because unless you know how many readers are clicking a link, you can’t know what your return on investment is.
  • Insert links directly from your post and page editor–no more hunting through spreadsheets or other tools.
  • Search your pre-defined links to find exactly the one you need.
  • Add a custom css class to turn links into buttons–set this up once and use it over and over again! It’s perfect for calls to action!
  • Organize your links by category, so you’ll always know where to find them.
  • Create an unlimited list of links–you’ll never need another link shortener.
  • Specify a reader-friendly slug for long, unreadable affiliate links.

And best of all, because it’s made just for WordPress, you know it will be fast and easy to install and use! No complicated configuration; no techy upload headaches; no learning curve!

Just install and start creating links.

You have enough to do to get your blog post ready to publish. Don’t waste even more time finding and inserting links when one easy-to-use plugin can handle all the heavy lifting for you–and track your results, too!

Your time is precious, but links are critical not only for SEO, but for:

  • Keeping your readers on your blog (especially important if your ad network pays per page view)
  • Generating revenue through affiliate sales
  • Providing readers with the information they need to dig deeper into a topic
  • Creating calls to action to your own products and services

So doesn’t it make sense to at least make adding and tracking results easier? The new Link Keeper plugin for WordPress makes maintaining a database of links, anchor text and even redirects so easy, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Grab your copy today!