WP backlink Checker [286]

This WordPress Plugin simply monitors any backlinks (text and even banner links) and can even alert you of backlink changes.
For example… You purchase a text link at a site from a seller.
You can then use this plugin to check daily if this backlink is still showing up at the seller’s site.
 Here are the WP Backlink Checker plugin features:
 Automatically monitor your backlinks
 Add Backlink group categories.
 Add Backlinks with anchor texts for monitoring
 Add Backlinks for banners
 Email notifications for changed or removed backlinks
 Email notifications to remind you to renew your PAID backlink
 Turn on or off email notifications
 Easy to Use Plugin
This is the dashboard area to add new backlinks to be monitored:
Here’s the backlinks monitor dashboard displaying all of the backlinks being monitored daily along with their statuses..: