Bonuses For WP Video Profits
Link Tweet [335]
Shortcode To Tweet Anything! Create tweetable content with sweet tooltip popups. Click to tweet any text you want!
Twitter is one of the best source of quality traffic and if you want to become successful in the internet marketing industry, tapping this technique is necessary.
WP Easy Builder [329]
WP Plugin to quickly and easily build sales pages. Includes special “live”, in-browsing editor to create high converting landing pages to increase sales and conversions.
WP Video Page Creator [301]
WP VIDEO PAGE CREATOR PLUGIN is a magnificent plugin that will allow you to quickly and easily create”video profit pages” in less than a minute.
Also, it enables you to look authoritative in front of your audience (most of the content that this plugin pulls is curated, and comes from sources like YouTube and Google news).
To put it simply, this plugin is the definitive “video marketing weapon” that YOU need!
Check out the benefits and features of WP VIDEO PAGE CREATOR PLUGIN:
- Explode your traffic by unleashing the power of video marketing and increase your profits – quickly and easily!
- Increase Page Views of your site, lower the bounce rate and convert more visitors to customers.
- Increase revenue from advertising and take your online business to the next level!
- Easy to use and newbie-friendly: it doesn’t matter if you have never used a plugin before in your life. WP VIDEO PAGE CREATOR PLUGIN is extremely easy to use.
- Create your video profit pages in under a minute – the admin area is laid out in a manner that it will take you less than a minute to create and launch your video profit page that will increase your views and help you to make MORE MONEY!
- You don’t need to kill yourself creating content -This plugin will do it for you!
- And much, much more!
WP Email Countdown [292]
WP Email Countdown is a plugin that will allows you to create beautiful Countdown Timers INSIDE Your Emails. This will help to increase conversions, sales and also Click-Through-Rate inside your emails because now the moment someone opens your email they immediately see the timer ticking to zero, urging them to take action right away.
Other than email, user will have option to add the countdown timer to their blogs/websites as widget.
“A Powerful And Crazy Profitable WordPress Plugin That Allows You To Inject Scarcity In Your Emails With Effective Countdown Timers That Will Make People Do Your Bidding And Generate RESULTS For You!”
Now You Have The Power To Increase Your Conversion Rates And Drive More Sales With Each Email That You Send..It’s Like Having A High-Conversion Machine
WP Email Countdown is a fantastic plugin that allows you to effortlessly add action-taking and profit-inducing countdown timers inside your emails. What’s more, as I said before, not only you can add them to your emails but also to your websites and blogs, as a widget.
Check out the interesting features and benefits that WP Email Countdown can bring to the table for you…
- It’s easy to install and to run: you can install it in less than a minute and begin to add your countdown timers real easy, even if you’ve never used a WP plugin before.
- Several useful customization options; you can modify and customize the plugin your way by choosing countdown style, effects, animation, style and much, much more!
- In-depth statistics are included: this is something really cool as it can reveal interesting data that you can use to make better business decisions (and thus, increase your profits).
- Proven to work like a charm: increase your conversion rates and click-through rates and make more sales!
- Make people take action and do whatever you tell them to do. Countdown timers inject scarcity to your marketing message, resulting in more profits for you.
- Grab your subscribers attention in a fraction of a second and “force” them to buy from you!
- And much, much more…
Phantom Rankings Training [281]
In Phantom Rankings, you'll learn how to rank in OTHER search engines than just Google like YouTube, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIN & others.
Yes, Google has the most search results per second, but millions of people use these other search engines to find data than hardly anyone is optimizing for! Can you think of ANYONE optimizing for Bing (which they actually give specific instructions how to do!) let alone ranking in Facebook? Which you can.
I do this to avoid competition with major corporations that are too hard to beat out & to get fast, easy organic traffic.
We'll dive into SPECIFICS on how to rank in each search engine. ie: did you know Bing really doesn't care about backlinks?!
(find out what they DO look for and how to optimize for it easily)
Digital Lock Down Software [269]
Stop Losing Sales To Digital Thieves!
If you are an online business owner selling digital products, making sure your product not being stolen is one of your priority.
The thing is that, hackers and online stealers always comes an idea on how to stole your precious asset. The good news is that inside this product is an amazing software that will get rid and stop those thieves from getting your digital product gone to the public.
FB Webinar [253]
Create high-converting webinar landing pages inside of Facebook or WordPress.
Get started right away, and set up as many FB Webinar pages as you want!
You can use webinar pages without Facebook too and use nice pretty URLS inside of WP.
Surefire Profit System [233]
The Ultimate Business Automation System. You're about to Discover the Exact Strategies Used to Build a Million-Dollar Internet Business!
Making money online isn’t hard. But it doesn’t mean the “not hard” you hear when you read a sales page screaming about how money will fall from the sky at the press of button. While there isn’t one right way to structure an online business, there is a method of doing things that will help you
The Surefire Profit System Course is going to show you how to create this kind of online business for yourself. You’ll learn about the various components in the six modules of this course:
Your Battle Plan
Setting Up Your Business
Deciding What to Sell
Planning Your Launch
Creating Your Product
Launching Your Affiliate Program