Video Ad Placer [108]

With this flexible plugin, you get absolute control over how your video is displayed, what calls to action your viewers see, and even whether or not the link back to YouTube is shown.

Take a look at the power that’s in your hands when you install this plugin on your site…

  • Uses the familiar YouTube system so there’s no learning curve.
  • Easily create pop-up calls to action that appear below your video, so you can lead viewers to exactly the actions you want them to take.
  • Create your own custom end frame–no more showing other people’s content to your site visitors.
  • Automatically pause the video when a viewer clicks away from the page–your content is important, and you don’t want her to miss it!
  • One-click turns off the player controls (yes, even on a YouTube embedded video!)
  • No more link back to YouTube, so viewers won’t be pulled away from your site.
  • Add unlimited calls to action to each video–useful for highlighting important points or resources.

Even better, though, because Video Ad Placer is a WordPress plugin, you get to take advantage of the familiar settings and tools you’ve grown accustomed to, so there’s nothing new to learn.

  • Convenient button on your post editing screen instantly inserts your video right where you want it.
  • Uses shortcode technology so you never have to worry about broken javascript or other cryptic errors.
  • Create your video ads right from within WordPress. Once your video is on YouTube, you’ll never have to log in there again. Everything is done in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Put your video ads on any page or post–even custom post types.
  • Use color to make your calls to action stand out from the rest of the page–great for grabbing a viewer’s attention.
  • Use HTML code in your calls to action, including images, links, and more